Islamic School of Irving is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and offers Pre-K through 12th Grade College Preparatory School.
Our website address is
When visitors contact us using contact forms on the websites we collect the following fields: First Name, Last Name, E-Mail Address, and Phone Number.
Islamic School of Irving will never share this information with any third-party and will only use the information to directly contact you.
You always have the right to request the modification or deletion of your data at your convenience by contacting us at [email protected].
We utilize Google Analytics to track metrics on our website to track the amount of traffic it receives, such as location, session statistics, page views, device and browser information, traffic sources, user engagement. However, none of this data allows us to identify you and neither is it our intention to identify you.
The data is anonymous and is provided to us directly by Google. Find more information opens a new window on how Google utilizes data and deals with compliance.
Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and report site usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. Cookies are little pieces of information that Google Analytics reads and writes on a user’s browser.
‘_ga ’is the main statistics cookie used by Google Analytics that distinguishes individual users and track how they engage with our website, and lasts for 2 years.
Google Analytics store cookies on end-users’ browsers, once they land on our website. If the user clears their cache, the cookie will be deleted and our website will prompt for the same information again.
We do not manipulate the cookies to obtain any additional information. Once the cookie is created it is stored in your browser and we do not continue to track it.
In Google Analytics 4, IP addresses are not logged or stored.
Google Analytics cannot collect any data unrelated to your visitor’s online activity.
If you have provided us your information via our contact forms, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you.
You always have the right to request the modification or deletion of personal data at your convenience by contacting us at [email protected].
This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
Donations are processed through PayPal, which take place over PayPal’s secure pages. We do not market our donors’ information to any outside companies. We will not, at any time, sell your personal information to anyone for any reason. Your financial information like bank account numbers or credit card numbers is not visible to us nor do we collect your financial information. This data is collected by PayPal at the time to check out process. The security of your data is of utmost importance to us.